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My festival summers – summary

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Since 2006 I’ve spent a lot of summer weekends at UK festivals. At some I’m a ticket-holder but at many I’m there as a volunteer, usually with Oxfam Festival Stewarding or Green Stewards. Volunteering is a great way of trading some of your time for a free ticket (as well as early access, better camping, free food and the opportunity to meet lots of new people). Volunteering with Oxfam also helps the charity raise about £1 million annually.

I wouldn’t go to a festival by myself as a ticket holder, but I certainly would go alone as a volunteer. In fact, it can be more fun volunteering by yourself because your only option is to make new friends, which is a great part of the festival volunteer experience.

Most years I get to six or eight festivals between May and September, spending five or six days at each.

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